Winter Weather Travel Essentials: How to Safely Travel in Winter?

Winter Weather Travel Essentials: How to Safely Travel in Winter?

Posted by Agota Szabo on Dec 21st 2021

Harsh winter weather driving conditions.

Driving conditions in winter can take a turn for the worse in a split second. While modern weather forecasting has earned its reliability, surprises can still occur - which can turn road conditions deadly.

One storm, shifting fronts, cold air and moisture entering unexpectedly, or snow rendering roads impassable can easily trap vehicles in life-threatening weather conditions. For un- or underprepared drivers winter driving, especially for long road trips, can prove to be extremely dangerous.

Be Prepared for Your Winter Vacation

When sitting behind the wheel of their vehicle during the winter holidays, drivers must be prepared. Not only does the cold weather packing list needs to be updated, but it is of the utmost importance to keep the vehicle's maintenance up to date as well.

Do not let harsh weather surprise you during winter trips, especially if you are traveling with children. Make sure you familiarize yourself with how you can keep your vehicle on the road, and how you can keep warm in freezing temperatures to ensure your safety.

The Ultimate Packing List: What do You Take when Traveling in Winter Weather?

Let's start with what you need to pack and keep in your car to guarantee safer winter travel.

There are a variety of items you cannot leave off your winter travel packing list. Some will help you with the car, some will ensure your warmth, but all are essential to keep you safe, and not freezing, in colder temperatures.

Basic Tools You Will Need in the Car

Let's talk first about what you need for your vehicle. Whether it's to dig out the car from the snowbank or to start it up again after a breakdown, drivers need to be sure that they will be able to fix smaller issues on the spot. Emergency services will also be hindered in sub-zero temperatures and harsh winter conditions, so you will need to be prepared.

You get bonus points if you take care of your travel insurance as well.

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Basic Tools and Emergency Supplies

Firstly, make sure your vehicle has basic tools and emergency supplies ready for use. It would be for the best if these items can be packed to ensure easy access.

So what are these items that should not be left home?

You will need to invest in a stronger, long-burning LED flashlight - maybe one with an emergency flasher and extra batteries, a good-quality multi-tool which has a sharp knife, versatile screwdrivers, an adjustable wrench, duct tape, and a ratchet set. In one way or another, all of these tools will be able to provide you with aid in case the vehicle breaks down.

Additionally, make sure your first aid kit is organized. Check if before the trip and buy anything that's missing. You will need to have bandages, disinfectants, and a tourniquet to stop bleeding. These will help you treat minor injuries before the cold can further ruin the situation.

Some other tools which will help, but are not necessarily first aid kit materials are chemical hand-warming pouches, and a can filled with traction aid. Hand warmers will help you keep your hands from freezing if you are stranded for a longer period of time. Traction aids, such as sand, ashes, or even kitty litter, will allow you to provide better grip to the tires on ice-covered surfaces.

Working Jack, Lug Wrench

If you have the space in your trunk, invest in a spare tire that is in good shape. Maybe forgo the donut or temporary spare models for winter travel, since full-sized spares offer safer performance in severe winter situations.

Before leaving on your winter holiday, check your spare to make sure it is in good shape. It needs to be properly inflated too. Due to the bad weather conditions, there is a high possibility that waiting for a service truck will take hours. During that time, you will be able to change the tire yourself.

Just be sure to add a slip-resistant base to the jack, to improve its usability in cold weather situations. Bringing an old blanket or cardboard slip will allow you to kneel down safely on snow-covered surfaces - without getting your clothes wet.

Jumper Cables

While it can be a larger investment, getting heavy-duty jumper cables will come in handy. Again, waiting for hours for a service truck can become an issue. By having jumper cables in your car, you will be able to quickly jump-start your vehicle with the help of someone.


Slipping on winter roads and accidentally getting stuck in a snowbank is a frequent occurrence in cold weather situations. For this reason, having a snow shovel in your car will help you out.

There are foldable and telescoping models that do not take up too much space, while they will still be a great help when you find yourself in such a situation. You will regret leaving it home!


Flares are important as well. They are warning devices which will keep you safe, especially when you are forced to stop on the side of the road. They signal to other drivers that you and your vehicle are there, preventing them from running into your car.

This comes in handy even more when you need to do repairs that require you to leave the vehicle.

Studless winter tires... Check available sizes  and pricing at

Road Maps

With modern technology, one might think that paper maps are a thing of the past. We beg to differ!

While it is true that most areas with cell phone signals will provide you with the necessary navigational data, unfortunately, bad weather and remote areas will change your mind quickly. When you are cut off from the signal, good old paper maps will help you.

Buy or print out maps of the area you will travel to in cold weather. They will guide you to the correct place - just be sure you study them a bit before you leave.

Extra Food and Water

It should go without saying, pack extra food and water. Unfortunately, in some instances, winter travel will turn into winter camping in your car. This situation can easily happen with highway closures. Due to this, it is important that you have enough food and water for each passenger.

Preferably pack non-perishables you can consume without preparation and enough water. While snow can also be melted to create drinking water, that requires additional tools you might not have on hand. Also, be sure to pack foods that will not freeze in cold temperatures.

Full Fuel Tank

Do not leave it to chance! Fill up your fuel tank right before you leave on your cold winter trip. Fuel will not only keep you on the road, but it will also help you keep warm in case you are stranded in your car. Your vehicle will not run and let you stay warm on an empty fuel tank.

Ice Scraper/Snow Brush

The defroster is a neat feature most cars have. However, if your vehicle does not have enough power, ice scrapers and snow brushes will be your best friends.

You will need to leave the safety of your car, but they are the quickest solution to getting your vehicle ice- and snow-free and ready for the road.

Tire Chains

Another must-have of the winter travel essentials is a set of tire chains. While they are not legal in every state, in severe winter situations they will make a huge difference in traction. They provide extra surface grip on ice and snow, ensuring the vehicle's forward movement.

Make sure the tire chains are not tangled before you leave on your winter holiday. That will save you time and effort later, as detangling them is easily done at home. In the cold, when your hands are freezing, you will be wasting precious time.

Hand-held Radio

It might not seem like much, but when all communication is cut off it can be a life-saver. A small, portable radio will help you follow along with weather reports, while a handheld citizens band radio will help you contact someone for help.

Due to their size, they take up minimal space. You can easily store them in the glove box or even under your seat. Just be sure you know how to work it.

Warm Clothes Can Save Your Life

Maybe you plan to spend your entire winter vacation keeping warm by the fire. However, you need to make it to the cabin without issues first.

If you plan on making the cold winter trip in your car, it is best to be prepared for everything. Your indoor comfort will start with your outdoor adventures.

We have discussed what you need to pack to keep your vehicle up and running. Now, let's take a look at a few travel tips that will help you not to freeze!

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Extra Warm Clothes

Traveling on your own or with your family during the winter holidays can be dangerous. If your vehicle breaks down and you are left without heating, you will need something to keep you safe in the freezing weather.

This is where extra-warm, winter clothes come into play. Whether they are additional layers you can put on under your jacket, a few pairs of warm wool socks to keep your feet warm, a merino wool sweater, long johns, or skiing underlayers, if they keep the cold out and maintain your body temperature they are a good pick.

It is best to invest in quality winter clothes, with water-resistant outer layers, as they will keep you warm and dry throughout the ordeal. They will provide you with extra warmth without hindering your movements as some bulky stuff can.

In freezing weather situations, staying warm and dry is essential.

Hats, Boots, Gloves

While keeping cool with warmer clothes might seem like an easy task, one must not forget that frostbite goes for the hands and feet first.

Since your hands and feet are furthest from your heart and torso, they are harder to keep warm. For this reason, it is importable to only leave on your winter holiday in a proper winter outfit, with suitable winter boots and winter gloves that will keep hands and feet dry.

Additionally, getting a warm hat and a scarf to ensure your safety is also a good idea to keep your head warm. Your outer layer should also be suitable for the weather conditions you will drive in. A good down jacket as a winter coat is an excellent idea, maybe pack some extra heavy sweaters that will keep you warm in the long run.

Prepare Emergency Layers and Use Packing Cubes

Having to stay warm during the cold weather travel can be a tedious task, but it is winter travel essential. Packing other clothes, if you have the space in the trunk, will not cause an issue.

Packing cubes which are available for travel will help you organize everything. If you know what's where you will be able to get to the specific item you need quicker. That will save you time and effort, while also allowing you to get warmer sooner.

Furthermore, as packing cubes compress clothes a bit, they will allow you to save space in your day bag or trunk, giving you more room to work with.


The biting cold is felt even more when you are not moving about. While you might be busying yourself around the car, other passengers might not be able to help out. Yet, sitting in the cold car in just a few extra winter clothes will not do much for them.

For this reason, to preserve their body heat and to keep their arms and legs warm, packing a few thick winter blankets is a good idea too. This is especially good if you are traveling with children. Do not leave blankets off your winter packing list.

Think About Your Trailer Too

If you plan on taking your trailer on the trip, you also need to prepare it as well. Winterproofing your vehicle will not be enough on its own. You will need to ensure the trailer's secure winter travel performance and the safety of its cargo throughout the drive.

Trailer cover used in winter weather.

Trailer Cover

You can buy quality trailer covers, which will protect your cargo from harsh weather conditions. Additionally, these covers will allow you to cover your trailer even when it is not being towed, preventing snow and ice from packing onto it.

Trailer covers are an easy way to make your trailer ready for winter travel in cold weather conditions.

Protect Your Car and Trailer During the Winter Trip

You need to make sure both the vehicle and the trailer are up to standard before leaving on the trip. A small issue you have noticed with the car might not seem to be significant until it is too late.

For this reason, it is important that the car and the trailer are winter travel ready! But how can you do this?

Maintenance is Important

Take your car to your mechanic, to have even insignificant issues checked. Furthermore, have your antifreeze (coolant) level checked. Be sure to add extra antifreeze if the radiator and engine are not protected to at least -34 degrees Fahrenheit.

There should be no possibility of engine trouble before the cold, winter holiday. The engine needs to run properly in order to provide the heater and defrosters with enough power to work. Without the engine performing correctly, you will definitely be stranded on the side of the road. So the number one winter and cold weather safety travel tips are to make sure the engine runs smoothly!

Winter Tires for Winter Weather Conditions

Cold weather travel is not possible without winter tires. While this is mostly true for your vehicle, it can also count for your trailer as well.

Winter tires are essential for cold-weather performance. They provide the necessary traction and surface grip in freezing temperatures and on ice- and snow-covered road surfaces. Think of winter tires as winter boots for your car or truck. While winter boots keep your feet warm, winter tires offer the necessary traction in severe cold weather conditions.

Their winter traction is needed for secure and precise handling, shorter braking, and overall safer winter performance.

Thankfully, there are versatile winter tires available for sale. Modern technologies have allowed manufacturers to ensure their tire models offer both top-notch performance and cold temperature traction. Additionally, studded winter tires can also be found on the market.

What type of winter tire you choose will depend on the severity of the winter conditions you will use them in. Therefore, everyday driving in your local town will need less aggressive winter models than mountain driving. Just be sure to choose models that suit the conditions of the roads you will travel.

Check out the different types of winter tires we have available for sale at! From studded to studless winter tire models, you will find them all. Read up on the safety travel tips one more to see which models would be best suitable for your vehicles.

Final Thoughts on Winter Weather Travel

Reading all of this might make your head spin. It is a lot of information at the same time. However, if you are prepared enough for your travel with a winter packing list, you will just need to throw on your winter coat and be safely on your way.

Ensuring your and your passengers' driving safety should be your number one priority throughout the trip. Not only is it a good idea to keep up with your vehicle's maintenance, but packing extra items that may be helpful is also crucial.

Apart from travel essentials, you will also need to brush up on your driving skills to ensure your winter weather driving safety. Does your vehicle have traction control?

Learn more about when to turn off traction control in winter situations by reading our blog post about it.

A book to read may take your mind off how cold you are … but for peace of mind, leave “Call of the Wild” at home.