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Tire Patches vs. Tire Plugs: Which Is Better?

Tire Patches vs. Tire Plugs: Which Is Better?

Posted by Agota Szabo on Apr 26th 2022

What are tire patches and tire plugs? Well, they are useful when you get a flat tire. In such cases, there's a good chance that a minor repair can get you back up and running again quickly.

Three of the most common of these "minor repairs" are:

  • tire plugs
  • tire patches
  • plug/patch combos

The first option, a tire plug, is cheap and fast to administer. Plugs work best when you've run over a nail or similar blunt object that punctures the tire and causes it to leak air. After the nail or sharp object is removed, the plug can be inserted into the hole to fix the leak. While plugs of the old days were problematic and served more as a band-aid type of repair than anything else, many plugs available today actually vulcanize to the tire to provide better stability.

Tire patch
Tire patch

A patch, on the other hand, is considered to be a better quality tire repair. However, it's a bit more laborious of a repair than a plug. Patching a tire actually consists of removing the tire from the rim and then using a die grinder to clean up a 2-inch diameter around the puncture to give the patch enough of an area to bond with. The patch is then pushed from inside the tire through the outside of the tire, sealed, and let dry.

The best modern tire repair solution is a plug/patch combo product. This is one piece and it combines the best benefits of both options.

Keep in mind that not all tire damage can be repaired. For example, tire bubbles are a dangerous problem that will result in needing new tires.

DIY or Mechanic?

The question is: Can or should you repair a tire on your own?

If you purchased your tires from a mechanic or tire-specific business, then chances are they will either plug or patch your tire for free if it develops a leak and a patch or plug can resolve the issue.

Tire plug
Tire plug

Many tire-specific businesses will also fix your tire via these means as a way of developing goodwill with you, the customer, so that when it comes to buying new tires you'll consider purchasing that next set from them.

However, outside of these two scenarios, tire patching and plugging aren't necessarily expensive (usually only $10-$20 a repair), but more of an inconvenience.

Considering this, patching your tires on your own might not be worth it.

Tire Plugs and Tire Patches - DIY

DIY patching or plugging is still an option, yet we'd advise you to be absolutely sure of what you're doing before going the patching route.

The plugging route is fairly simple (and cheap, as plug kits can be purchased for just a few dollars), as all you really need to do is locate the hole and insert the plug. Going the patching route is also fairly inexpensive, but there's a lot more involved.

For instance, patching a tire consists of:

  • Removing the tire.
  • Removing the tire's valve stem core.
  • Separating the tire from the rim.
  • Cleaning out the puncture hole (usually with an air die grinder).
  • Equipping the grinder with a grinding stone to prepare an area around the puncture.
  • Removing dirt/debris around the puncture.
  • Administering vulcanized cement to the inner part of the tire.
  • Administering the tire patch, working your way from the inside out.
  • Sealing the patch.
  • Put the tire back together and back on your car.
Tire repair
Tire repair

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What limitations are there with each?

Plugs won't usually work when a puncture is near the sidewall, as it likely won't be able to completely seal the area. Plugs are also ineffective when the puncture is on an angle. Patches are usually the better-recommended option, but they do have their limitations. For instance, if a puncture is greater than a quarter-inch in diameter, a patch will likely be ineffective and the tire may be too damaged to repair.

What's better - tire plugs or tire patches?

Plugs, when installed correctly and in the right situations, can help a tire last for up to 25,000 additional miles. But while plugs can be effective, usually patches are considered to be the better, more secure option of the two. The patch/plug combo is the safest and most reliable option.

Are plugs just band-aid repairs?

Yes and no. Years ago they were and if they aren't installed correctly or in the right situations today, they still are. However, today's plugs vulcanize to the tire and can help it last for tens of thousands of miles more.