How To Select the Right Used Tires for Your Vehicle

How To Select the Right Used Tires for Your Vehicle

May 30th 2017

How To Select the Right Used Tires for Your Vehicle

Are you on a tight budget but your current tires are worn down to a level that may be dangerous to drive on? One solution definitely worth considering is a set of used tires! 

A high-quality set of used tires can save you a lot of money and also gives you the option to try a different brand of tire to see how it performs differently compared to your current tires.

Selecting the best tires for your vehicle and driving style is always a tough choice. When it comes to choosing a used set of tires, you really need to know what you are looking for and learn how to understand if they are in good condition.

At we got you covered with a list of tips to get to select your next set of used tires:


You can start your research by looking online for the exact model and brand you currently have on your vehicle. Check for reviews, prices and as much info you can find on the web.

You may find another brand or model that suits your driving conditions better than what you currently have. Doing this type of research will help you get a feel for different price levels, tread life, performance, and comfort levels of different, similar tires.


The second step is considering how old is the used set of tires. Usually, a set of tires older than six years is considered too old, and you should look for others. You can check the DOT date on the tire itself. That is when the tire was manufactured.

Old tires may not have been driven a lot of miles, but can still be unsafe as they can experience dry rot, warping or bubbles that form.

Tread Wear & Depth

This step will help you determine how long the set of tires will last. You need to check the tread surfaces and check for uneven wear. Also, you need to look for the depth of the tread on every tire; it should be consistent and count at least a certain amount of inches depending on the tire size. 

Be careful not to use a standard rule like, “Only buy tires with at least 7/32”. The reason this is not a good idea is that each brand and model have differing tread depths when manufactured. So a brand new passenger tire built for comfort may have 11/32 off the production line while a brand new performance tire may only have 9/32 off the line.

UTQG Rating

If you’re not familiar with this acronym, it stands for Uniform Tire Quality Grade, and it’s a code indicating the rating for treadwear, traction, and temperature given by manufacturers. It’s composed of a three digit number and two letters. Each of these three factors means something different to the consumer:

  • Treadwear: This figure let you know how durable is your tire. The highest the better.
  • Traction: By looking at this number you can understand how safe and how well your tire will perform in wet conditions. Highest is AA.
  • Temperature: Here you can read how the tire performs at very high heat levels. A is the best rating.

Find a Dealer you can TRUST

This is probably the easiest way to be sure that your set of used tires is in good condition. By having a dealer you can trust, they will be sure to inspect the tires to make sure they meet your individual driving needs.