

Digital Auto Art for May

Digital Auto Art for May

May 2nd 2019

Enjoy the digital auto art below from various artists around the world. Most have been contributed to the Pixabay database so feel free to download and re-use them.A chicken coupe?This Trans Am totem … read more
Tires for Pony Cars

Tires for Pony Cars

Apr 12th 2019

SUVs and crossovers may be dominating the current U.S. car market, but will there ever be a time when Americans don’t drive pony cars?Let’s hope not. Ford, even when it announced that almost its entir … read more
Summer is Hard on Vehicle Batteries

Summer is Hard on Vehicle Batteries

Apr 12th 2019

Ask any drivers what is likely to take its biggest toll on car batteries—summer or winter—and most will probably say winter.And they’re wrong: The hotter the summers, the shorter a battery life.Check … read more
How Tires Affect Vehicle Road Test Results

How Tires Affect Vehicle Road Test Results

Feb 22nd 2019

You’ve probably seen published road test results from magazines—or seen and heard them as part of online video road tests—and wondered, “Hey, that’s nothing close to what my car does, and I have the s … read more
Tire Recalls and Complaints

Tire Recalls and Complaints

Dec 13th 2018

Before you buy a tire, it never hurts to find out what people think of the brand and tire line you’re considering. If you have a relative or know a neighbor or two who own the tire, just ask. You prob … read more